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Friday 11 November 2016

Too Many Thoughts

Sometimes I find myself comparing myself to other small businesses, it's not a very good thing to do especially when I compare myself to people who've been doing this for years. In the last few days though I seem to have hit a slump. I haven't hit an art block, I'm still creating happily but I have a bit of low self esteem lately that is really kicking my butt.
I know other people see my work completely differently to me but I do find myself wondering if I'm good enough, whether I'm doing the right thing and whether I'm just chasing my tail a bit.
Sometimes you can feel like everything is working against you!
And after the October from hell, I'm very behind and I am very much unable to fix a lot of things that haven't happened.
Christmas for example. I had cards, decorations, wrapping options, you name it, I had all of these ideas and they've gone poof. 
I guess I'm feeling a bit depressed about the whole situation which isn't a good thing as all that will happen is it will get in the way of good things!

Ugh the joy of juggling! ;)

On the lighter side of things! I have been working on my art swap! I've been loving this experience. My first art swap is turning in to a super fun experience!
I'm receiving a portrait of Riley who you may know as my most amazing, handsome puppy! And I'm doing some original rat paintings which are turning out to be my favourite ratty pieces ever. They're now in the painting stage but here is the rough sketch for one of them!

I've also been having some fun doing my own paintings this week, I've taken some time out to focus on just drawing and having a bit of fun. The red squirrel was the first one and is probably my favourite, He was inspired by me looking at too many pictures of squirrels and then I just HAD to sketch one. and this little guy appeared! I'm actually really proud of this little guy, when I've tried to draw squirrels in the past they tend to look fairly evil and this guy just looks too cute... and fat!

And the second sketch turned in to two winter blue tits, I love drawing these birds, I hadn't noticed just how many times I ended up drawing them! I have many of them in various folders. They originally started out as robins and then those little chubby cheeks screamed blue tits and here we go.

I'm hoping to paint up both of these, if they turn out well I'm even considering them as Christmas cards. The squirrel is going to have a kind of border once I've decided on what to do with it and the blue tits with have a blue snowy background and will be sat on silver birch branches. I'm hoping they'll work out! I guess only time will tell!

So I'm going to keep plodding on. I'm not going to make too many plans apart from the important things like commissions etc.
I can't do everything and I really need to get this through to myself! I just keep trying to do three months of work in one month and keep getting devastated that I can't actually do it.
So one thing at a time.

Next on my list is another zine. The first in a series of zines I'm planning to mock my dogs life. It's okay, he loves it ;)
The first is going to be all about sleeping! Sounds boring but will actually (hopefully!) be quite amusing, especially to anybody who owns or has owned a dog themselves!

But now! Now work is done for the day and I'm going to go chill out for the evening before I go insane! :P

Have a great week!

*commissions are still open until the 24th so if you're interested get in touch before then!*

*A huge thank you to everyone who has ordered from me recently! Your orders mean the world to me and I really hope you love them! Thank you! *

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