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Thursday, 28 September 2017

The Insane Week

I've got to admit this week has got me both crying with laughter and with sheer horror.

I managed to get myself a sinus infection on Monday that has slowly gotten worse and worse each day, I'm not sick but I have so little energy, major headaches and a swollen face an neck which is leaving me super miserable.
This of course is also making simple every day tasks feel like climbing mountains. Cooking and house work is leaving me feeling like I've gone jogging and along with all the little business bits on the side I'm feeling so rubbish!

And of course, this week is full of work and I've felt really bad as some of my customers are suffering. Something I am extremely embarrassed by and trying desperately to rectify!

But all is not lost, I've finished a commission this week that is heading off to its new home today which I'm super happy about as it's been a very special one and such a joy to create. I've also got lots of new products that need to be listed later on today or tomorrow! They're a bunch of new art prints that I'm pretty excited about. And the big thing this week! I finally have a varnish being delivered today that I can use on the coasters I've been working on for a while now which means I should be able to list those up next week if all goes to plan! Phew!
I'm also working on a couple more commissions at the moment that are proving to be both challenging and fun, I suddenly have a real pressure upon myself to make something special for people which is good and bad, good because it's going to be amazing yet bad when I'm putting myself under so much pressure that nothing is good enough!

But I don't want to go too much in to that so here are some previews of the new products coming soon!

I'm very excited to get these two prints available, a lot of the new prints are old paintings that have been lost and forgotten so it's been nice to actually give them a new lease of life and let them out in to the world!

I've also found myself drawing something very different. As you know I'm well known for my rat illustrations but did you know I'm actually a gerbil mama!? And today whilst I was trying to come up with new ratty designs I found myself drawing something that wasn't very ratty at all...

The gerbils have arrived!
I'm quite happy with how their little design turned out so I'm hoping to keep this up and maybe do a few gerbil paintings when I can finally find the time! Maybe even start with drawing my own boys.

So that is my insane week so far... I've been desperate for the weekend since Monday night and even though it's in sight it's seriously not close enough... I just hope I get all this work done before the weekend so I can have a long lie in without feeling guilty!

Now back to commissions and waiting for deliveries!!

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