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Monday, 15 May 2017

Alterations to Pet Portraits

As you may know, one of my specialties is custom pet portraits. A lot of people have loved these and commissioned me on multiple occassions to create personal illustrations of their pets.

I have had to make a few changes to what I currently offer which I'm kind of happy about but kind of sad. I'm sad because I feel like I'm letting previous customers down as I have had to lower my prices and offer less sizes.

You can now get custom pet portraits that are created with pen, pencils and watercolours in two sizes, A5 and A4. Each option has the choice for single or more pets.

The prices are:-
A5 single - £25.00
A5 two pets - £30.00
A4 single - £35.00
A4 two pets - £40.00

I will also take other commissions featuring more pets but there will be an extra charge, if you're interested you can contact me via Etsy.

The reason these changes came about is due to potential customers not being happy with my prices and usually getting scared off. This is as low as I can charge without losing profit, I feel bad for my previous customers who were happy with the prices and were happy with their paintings (thanks for being awesome if you read this!) but such is business.

If the cost of materials rise in future I will have to raise my prices but for now they are staying here so if you're interested in commissioning me to paint your pets please go here and get in touch!

I've loved working on every pet portrait so far, it's been a fun experience and a good challenge to keep me drawing different things.

Thanks for the support!

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