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Thursday 18 February 2016

I got my Printer back!

Back in November/December last year I was brave enough to take the plunge and buy a professional printer. This was huge for me as spending so much money isn't something I do a lot of, anyone who knows me will tell you I see £5 as too much at times! So to spend a mega amount on a printer was a fairly big deal. I then had the joy of the company I bought the printer from being a bit ditsy and not getting my printer to me when they said they would and then I finally get it, set up and get ready to print and... the colours are horrific and it just doesn't print properly.
I've never had much luck when it comes to printers, I have another that can only print through Photoshop so I guess having these issues shouldn't have been a problem...

Apart from I spent so much money and basically ended up with a document printer...

It's taken a few months of research and playing around but this morning I finally got it working how I wanted and oh I'm so relieved and excited by finally having my all singing all dancing printer!
Prints are coming out perfectly and I've even managed to do a test print of the ratty behaviour zine I've been working on for the past couple of months.

So persistence and hard work really do pay off you know ;) Even when it comes to getting a machine to do what it was built to do... That sounds so ridiculous... of course it does, it involves technology!

Rats have definitely been taking over my creative life lately... I say creative but really it's my whole life as my work is currently constantly on my mind, ah the joys of working so many hours a week. I'm beginning to wonder if this part will calm down to more normal hours or whether this is light compared to where I'm heading... I guess only time will tell. I just look forward to decent sleeping hours during the week... Oh I'm getting old! Any way! There are many rats and I've had a lot of feedback with lots of love for them. This makes me happy in so many ways and I'm also glad that rats are no longer constantly being seen as dirty and disgusting.
I'm hoping to continue with these with lots more rat based designs that are being inked and coloured tomorrow and should hopefully be up by the end of the week!
And now that I have my printer running I can also start adding prints to my Etsy store in the near future along with the necklaces and a few originals I have waiting to find loving homes.

I just don't seem to have a free moment unless someone actually gets in my way at the moment. I can thank my mum and other half for keeping me slightly more sane than I could be!
Oh this year is going to be huge and it's only just begun!

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