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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

Well what can I say, I'm both sad to see the end of this year but also excited to shed the old 2015 skin and get a nice fresh start.

At the beginning of this year I was in a completely different place to where I am now. The year has been filled with so many extreme ups and downs. It's been an extremely emotional year!
And I am feeling so blessed and thankful for everything I have.

I have the most wonderful and supportive family surrounding me. My parents and my partner have never let me give up and they're always giving me the emotional support to keep going no matter what gets thrown at me. Without them I wouldn't be where I am now.
Without the constant stubborness of my boyfriend I wouldn't be doing what I love and I most definitely wouldn't be taking on some huge projects in 2016.

It's going to be a big one, I can tell you that much!

This year has been the baby steps forward, one at a time, building up my confidence in a world that originally terrified me. Sure I could have done much more but I don't think I would feel as comfortable and confident as I do now.
But now I'm ready to take that leap of faith.

2016 is going to be filled with fantastic and wonderful new adventures.

So I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me over the last twelve months.
My partner who keeps things real and keeps me me.
The wonderful artists I've met who've proven that people on the internet aren't all scary! The other creatives who've liked and commented on my work. It's nice supporting each other and I love the little artist community I share my world with.
The wonderful people who like my work, share my work and who buy my designs. I definitely wouldn't be here without you guys!
I still can never explain how amazing it is when I see someone buy my work. And I also love how my work is now spread all over the world! It's a very surreal feeling for me.
The amazing people who read my ramblings on here! I know I tend to ramble on and talk nonsense at times so it's always so nice to see that my posts get read!
And to the people who have commissioned me, thank you for letting me work with you! It's so much fun to see your pets and hear about their characters and mischief. I'm an animal lover at heart so it combines two of my loves and I love to talk to fellow animal lovers who adore their pets!
Just a big thank you to anybody who has helped me to get where I am, even if it's the most simple thing of liking an image on instagram. You'd be amazed how smiley I get over that!
And also to the people who have tried to hurt me this year, the trolls. You made me realise that I am stronger than I originally believed and... you mean nothing to me.

Two years ago I was scared to post work online, I had one outlet that was twitter and that was it. If you'd told me back then where I'd be now I doubt I would have believed it.
I want to make a point that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it and believe in yourself.
So going by this, I'm extremely excited for 2016 and to see what I can make happen.

This year I got my redbubble account which has been amazing! I mainly focussed on that and networking... 2016 is going to include Etsy, art fairs, sparkles, a bit of book making and lots of adventures!
I can't wait!

So again, thank you! Thank you for a wonderful 2015 :)

And here's to a fantastic 2016, I wish each and every one of you so much happiness and luck in this new year.

You're wonderful!

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