I'm now selling on Etsy!!

It's been a long time coming with a lot of hard work and hurdles to jump but I am so happy to say that I have finally got there!
I'm on a slight buzz from this now as it's not something I expected to manage so early on this year. I'm feeling very very overwhelmed and exhausted from the sheer amount of work and heart I've put in to all of this.
I've also been working super hard creating a rat behaviour zine. It's in no way serious but a little fun book on the wacky behaviour of our awesome little ratty friends! These include the pancake and the ratty bounce! To be fair, anything rats do is utterly adorable!
Below are the finished sketches for the zine!
I've been planning this zine for a long time now but it's always been put on hold due to random other projects that get in the way. It has been wonderful using my pencils and paper again rather than just making paperwork and boring forms to fill in. I've gone back to the reason I started this in the first place.
So I'm now very busy and... a little bit overwhelmed but also so excited at the same time as I'm another step closer!
Thanks to everyone who has supported me on this journey! The best is yet to come!
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